Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Reviews of Simon Leung and DeathOfGoogleAdWords AdWords Heroes

The author of "DeathOfGoogleAdWords," Mr. Simon Leung, a former Google employee, and his unique status means a lot to those who want to make a living on the Internet. Those who were in the field of Internet Marketing for a while 'should know how important it is to be an expert in Google Ad Words, as a lack of knowledge in this area will certainly lead to serious financial consequences. The knowledge of Search Engine Optimization is also critical to increase the ranking of the page and, finally, increase your sales conversion. Obviously, an ex-Google employee needs to know some of those secrets that most of us do not know!

I bought "DeathOfGoogleAdWords" well in advance. After all it is a mere $ 2USD. Coming from a former Google employee, there must be a substance in it.

I had to be proven wrong. Simon has addressed some points that are worthy of mention, as some recent changes to Google that a beginner might not know internet. However, I felt that overall, he merely scratched the surface of the content that he promised in his sales page.

I remember it was sold by the testimonials on his sales page, where many people heaped praise on his insights. Yet, after reading the e-book, I was not convinced.

As we come across too often, gifts or products that are priced very cheap are usually a prelude to another product, in this case, Simon has been pre-sold his other e-book "AdWords Heroes". I thought that perhaps the real substance is in that book, given the reputation that comes with Simon.

It 'been a bit' expensive at $ 37usd for an e-book. Think the real deal should be "AdWords Heroes", I threw away caution and with some 'hesitation, I bought the e-book.

I rue my decision in the next half hour. Similar to "DeathOfGoogleAdWords", there was a lot of hype in the copy for sale, again supported by several evidences, which once again earned praise for Simon. Yet I would give mediocre content.

To be honest, maybe I came in some way on my path in Internet Marketing that I have reached a certain level of expertise in Internet Marketing.

Given the high expectations that associate with Mr. Simon, and that this is the first time I've ever come in contact with him, I must say I am quite disappointed. I would feel that "AdWords Heroes" is more suitable for the novice Internet Marketing, and even then, the price should be much lower. I sincerely hope that there will be good products from him in the future.

This product and many others I came across only serve as a stern warning that there are too many products out there that are all hype and little substance, with sales copy designed to whet your appetite for making money online. I highly recommend anyone who wants to make a living on the internet to learn as much as possible from free sources such as blogs and forums. The learning curve might be a bit 'slower, but could be a considerable saving of real money .......

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