Saturday, July 14, 2012

What are the flowers of Bach? What Is The Flower Therapy?

The therapy "BACH FLOWER" is one among the various proposals for alternative medicine.

By finest cooking procedures dew drops some wildflowers in Wales, Edward Bach discovered that extracts resulting in a non-healing drug. Bach essences discovered that the active chemical present and which have, however high vibrational loads so that the phenomena produced by them can best be explained by physical chemistry. By action of the remedies, the individual is crossed by a fresh "tidal energy" becoming himself leading developer of recovery. This explains that also Bach Flower remedies are known as the soul Floral Therapy is also known as the "therapy of emotions?.

These remedies are not only useful to the entire therapeutic process but --- and especially --- all integral healing process taking into account that all disease begins after an emotional or mental block. Used wisely, Bach Flowers offer a complete healing system, clear the mind, harmonizes the emotions and as a result, the individual experiences a complete healing and you feel one with their conflicts resolved: regaining strength and determination to their situation clarified. According to its creator, "By the action of these essences, the disease disappears like snow in the sun .... The disease is the last stage of a disorder much more profound and subtle that begins in the mind .... The disease is the visible part of a cause that has been hurting rooted spirit?.

To order your system, Edward Bach grouped the emotional essences into 7 groups as follows: fear, uncertainty, loneliness, vulnerability, power, despair and depression, difficulty relating to the present.

Who can benefit from the remedies?

At any age can benefit from a Bach Flower, from newborns to grandparents. Any person will find benefits in making Bach Flower still receiving traditional medicine. Bach Flower not only do not conflict with common medications but also the boost. Help the sick in their excitement and make it a cooperative patient with your treatment.

Unlike chemicals, flower essences can not be subjected to laboratory analysis. Your energy charge may not be measurable although detectable for example, with Kirlian photography. Bach remedies impact the emotion but act on the whole organism and its personalidad.Una once entered into the living system recognize the remedies which damages and removed, taken as primary data, the uniqueness of each person to perfect allowing the development of their virtues and the awakening of latent or dormant capabilities.

While this medicine in any way trying to dismiss the benefits of conventional medicine, it is important to note that the objectives are different and raises man run over differently. Bach remedies are used to heal the soul and healing from that domino effect occurs as a full alignment. Not for nothing are called "multi remedies" because they benefit both the agency and to the intellectual and spiritual status of the individual.

It is for this very special dynamic that these elements are used in independent practice self-help should not be confused with the practice of "self-medication." Bach Flowers are world-counter items, recognized by WHO, have no contra-indications: the individual benefit from every point of view. It is to celebrate year after year more and more people are inclined to venture into these self-help methods that takes the truly effective balance such great results. To better understand the dynamics of the essence and characteristics of each one can take advantage of the information, where it is taught to enhance the energetic action of the Flowers of Bach . Each month is donated a Manual Exercises from

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