Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Management Production Costs

Today the management of production costs is as important as production itself. The high quality, timely delivery, meeting the needs of customers and reducing costs are the factors most critical to the success of a company and are fully linked to the concept of Cost of Production Management.

If we take this concept to the agricultural sector, we see that there are major flaws in the consciousness of handling this issue and likewise of the tools that lead to optimal management of this.

In my own experience, and proper management of my farm, I realized how important it is to have good management and control of production costs, appropriate decisions can be taken from these data and growth that has led me to manage these.

It is very important to me as my business manager to obtain:

ProducciónInformes reports comparative costs of production costs by crop production reports and ventasInformes laboresInformes and graphics from the generation of financial indicadoresInformes agropecuariaTablas involving comparative cost accounting overall farm

And similarly, leaving a little aside Management Production Costs, other factors also are essential for optimum performance of the agricultural enterprise, factors mentioned below:

Perform a total control of the machinery and equipment agrícolasObtener administration and control of labor and insumosLlevar total control of inventories (materials and supplies) Know producciónRealizar traceability of total control of customers and costing proveedoresRealizar specific investments

Delineate areas of the agricultural

So all these factors become almost impossible to handle if done manually. Necessarily required to use tools that minimize time and find accurate and reliable.

In my day to day and the experience I had, I managed AGROWIN software, which I have been very helpful for managing agricultural and my company all relevant information that allows me to make decisions. This system has allowed me to know the exact cost of my products and thus take the appropriate decisions, which led me to maximize my income, minimize expenses and maximize my production of my company. In addition to this, this system has allowed me to easily enter information and automatically generate accounting, for which I have no accounting knowledge required.

Get here more training on the Management of Production Costs

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